Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WIP Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

This weekend was a sewing frenzy and my WIP list is considerably smaller. To look at my most recent finished projects see here.

Right now I am tackling the quilting of Scrappysaurus Rex. See you can quilt a mammoth on a dinky machine. But I wouldn't say no to a fancy machine. Hint. Hint.

I have also cut out some fabrics for a quilt for a friend who is getting married. It will be a roller rink quilt. with blues and greens.

Here is a WIP I didn't know I had. This was casually placed on my sewing table yesterday morning. 

My dog (Leuko the fluffy) chewed through the foot strap on my husband's shin guard. He has a soccer game tomorrow night so...any ideas on how to fix it?

There's not much else going on. I have a few fabric piles set aside for future projects and I am looking forward to a craft day this weekend with K over at Crafternoon Delight. Linkin' up with Freshly Pieced. Happy Wednesday folks.

1 comment:

  1. Oh good luck with the quilting!! The actual process of quilting makes me wish I had a best friend who owns a long arm machine! ;)

    No suggestions on the shin guard! Sorry!
